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Charter Applications


You are assumed innocent
until proven guilty.


Charter Application

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms was enacted to protect the rights of Canadians when dealing with the state, ie. the police.  A Charter application may be argued in any criminal case, where it is alleged that an Accused was treated in a manner that is inconsistent with the rights enshrined in the Charter. A successful Charter application will result in the rejection of critical evidence against you at your trial. In many cases, without that  evidence (ie. a breath sample, a firearm, or a stash of drugs)  the Prosecutor will be unable to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt, and will withdraw the charges.

Mr. Wolson has won cases for his clients on many occasions by successfully advancing Charter applications. Attention to detail, thorough cross examination of police witnesses, and persuasive argument are all critical to a successful Charter Application.

Contact Mr. Wolson now to review your case and determine if a Charter application is available.  

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