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Sexual Assault


You are assumed innocent
until proven guilty.


 Sexual assault lawyer in Winnipeg

Allegations of sexual assault are often “he said/she said” situations, where the facts are in dispute and the Accused outright denies the allegations made against them. A common defence to this offence is that of Consent, i.e., that the sex was a consensual act between two willing parties. The presence of alcohol or drugs, the timing of the complaint, the nature of the relationship between the parties, as well as any potential witnesses to the act itself or surrounding circumstances, may become critical factors at a trial.

Defending against this offence requires a careful examination of all of the facts and a strategic cross-examination of the Complainant's version of events at trial. Mr. Wolson leaves no stone unturned, utilizing his years of courtroom experience to effectively cross-examine complainants of all ages and backgrounds.

There are things you can do to assist your lawyer in preparing your defence. If you have records in your possession that corroborate your version of events or contradict that of the complainants, you must keep them in a safe place. While there are new developments in the law that control what can be relied on in court as evidence, it's important to have all your records for your lawyer to review.

Sexual Offences Against Minors

The Criminal Code also contains a number of other sex related offences involving children under the age of 16.

·  Sexual Interference

· Invitation to sexual touching

· Child pornography

· Sexual exploitation

Being charged with any of these offences is extremely serious and can result in a mandatory minimum jail sentence of one or more years. Challenging the evidence of young persons in court requires a skilled and delicate approach. If the Accused person denies the allegations made against him or her, they will almost always have to testify in their defence, and in so doing, will be faced with difficult questions by the Prosecutor at a trial. It is of critical importance that the client is aware of the procedure so that they can anticipate the type of questions they may be asked.

Through experience and training, Mr. Wolson knows the key concepts and typical lines of questioning that the Prosecutor will use to attempt to undermine his clients' testimony. He uses that knowledge to prepare his clients to defend themselves in the courtroom. If you have been accused of or are being investigated for a sexual assault, it is extremely important that you are aware of your rights and know how to conduct yourself.

Domestic Assault in Winnipeg

Domestic assault encompasses various forms of abuse within a domestic setting, including physical, emotional, and sexual assault. In Winnipeg, cases of domestic assault often involve complex dynamics and sensitive issues. Defending against such charges requires a thorough understanding of the legal framework and the specific circumstances surrounding each case.

Contact Us

Contact Mr. Daniel Wolson to schedule a consultation to discuss your case in Winnipeg. Our lawyer is experienced in handling domestic assault and sexual assault cases, providing comprehensive legal support to ensure the best possible defence.

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